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University of Technology Chess Club Team Selection Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.03.2024 22:54:08, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 1)

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1Smith, Samuel7407130JAM1617
2ACMDavis, Christopher7402848JAM1594
3Martin, Shamir7404344JAM1588
4Haynes, Javaughn7407149JAM1528
5Comrie, Demarie7404263JAM1303
6Mills, OdaneJAM1214
7Gilling, Donelle7404670JAM1189
8Barrett, DejaJAM0
9Campbell, CaylaJAM0
10Cole, Ryan7405740JAM0
11Darling, PashawnaJAM0
12Facey, JonathanJAM0
13Ferguson, RogeJAM0
14Gregg, AjaniJAM0
15Hylton, Jean-MarkJAM0
16Hyman, Stephen7410646JAM0
17Kerr, JamesJAM0
18Slack, JordonJAM0
19Spence, JovounneJAM0
20Ashley, NickoliJAM0
21Thompson, MikelJAM0
22Thompson, Milannu7408846JAM0
23Thompson, PrincessJAM0
24Walters, Ron-HughJAM0
25Williams, Lamar7405847JAM0