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2024 SCSA Teams Chess Tournament

Il sito e stato aggiornato il16.03.2024 12:11:45, Creatore/Ultimo Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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Classifica finale dopo 7 turni

PosNr.s.SquadraNum  +   =   -  Cls1  Cls2  Cls3 
19TLC Primary761019340
21Baobab Primary School750215320
33Broadhurst Primary75021529,50
45Northside Primary740312300
56Rainbow Primary74031229,50
64Legae Primary731310240
710Westwood Primary731310210
82Botlhale Primary72147230
98Thuto Primary71063120
107TDS Primary70070100

Cls1: Matchpoints (3 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Cls2: points (game-points)
Cls3: The results Of the teams In Then same point group according To Matchpoints