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3o Chess Tour Iwannina

Last update 12.04.2013 08:25:26, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Round 1 on 2013/01/27 at 17:00

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
17Stavrou Nikos14110 0 - 10 Pappas Mihail19271
22Kesaris Evangelos19060 1 - 00 Nichlos Michalis15708
39Georgiou Antreas10050 0 - 10 Bletsios Dionisios17233
44Zioviris Georgios17080 1 - 00 Miltiadou Stella100010
511Pettas Ioannis10000 0 - 10 Benatsis Alexandros16935
66Vovas Georgios16750 0 - 10 Smponias Kostas100012
713Ioannidis Kostas10000 0 not paired