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Torneo Rapido Semanal del Club Rey Blanco de Tapachula Categoria Libre

Last update 16.03.2024 00:50:11, Creator/Last Upload: A. O. JOSE ALFREDO CASTILLO GARCIA

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Starting rank

1Altuzar de la Cruz, Rodrigo Alejandro5104815MEX1824Chiapas
2Castillo, Garcia Jose Alfredo29611733MEX1700Estado De Mexico
3Morales, Perez Felipe DamianMEX1606Chiapas
4Victorio, Nolasco David AshleyMEX1504Chiapas
5Bustos, Aquino Darien AlexisMEX1348Chiapas
6Vasquez, Hernandez Juan Carlos29627265MEX1320Chiapas
7Gutierrez, Hernandez Martin AlexanderMEX1247Chiapas
8Lopez, Zamora MiguelMEX1240Chiapas
9Del, Carpio Rivas Mathias AlfredoMEX1220Chiapas
10Villegas, Vega FernandoMEX1148Chiapas
11Escobar Barahona, FernandaMEX0
12Avendano Angel, SantiagoMEX0
13Ramirez, Moreno Francisco JavierMEX1280
14Galvez, Hernandez Cesar EmiMEX1161Chiapas
15Lopez, Jimenez David EduardoMEX1257Chiapas
16Villagran, Reyes Manuel De JesusMEX1382Chiapas
17Perez, Aguirre Manuel RosalioMEX1085Nuevo Leon