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Grand Prix 3 2024 - Open

Last update 24.03.2024 22:33:03, Creator/Last Upload: SAMUEL BARAKAT

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Starting rank list

1CMGreenidge, Ronuel019700075GUY1830
2Neto, Roberto019700318GUY1794
3Nathoo, Loris019700083GUY1792
4Couchman, Kyle019701632GUY1756
5Sandiford, Keron019701276GUY1741
6Lee, Ethan019700660GUY1692
7Pitamber, Sachin Dhilan019702566GUY1674
8Narine, Ricardo019701292GUY1659
9Taylor, Jaden019700709GUY1630
10Hussain, Rashad019700229GUY1628
11Chong, Kim Shing019701721GUY1613
12Puran, Kishan019701667GUY1603
13Marshall, Tremusa Richard019702930GUY0
14Park, Rafael Amare019702957GUY0
15Rodrigues, Odit019702469GUY0
16Shariff, Omar Afzal019701829GUY0
17Thakurdin, Ethan Adian019702248GUY0
18Ubaldo-Singh, Alek019701420GUY0