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Scottish Girls Championships - Open

Last update 16.03.2024 18:12:12, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank

1Bhatia, Kanishka2410095SCO1714LZ
2Cepoi, Gesneria-codruta1285297ENG1655
3Mitraka, Chrysa2409968SCO1533LZ
4Hunt, Angharad2410087SCO1097SN
5Chakraborty, Sahana25929518SCO1068B1
6Daniels, Misuzu2414740SCO986EA
7Madhu, Shriya2414899SCO969ER
8Wang, Meiting2413930SCO920EA
9Pardeshi, Prachi2409976SCO761EK
10Cresswell, Coral2414228SCO736ES
11Fernando, Laya2415291SCO429EA