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CICF National Junior Championship 2024

Last update 18.03.2024 02:46:29, Creator/Last Upload: CICF

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Starting rank list

1Martin, IsraelCAY1631
2Luc, SintonCAY1575Cphs
3Graham, DezCAY1541Jghs
4Majid, ZaraCAY1537Cis
5Moore, John-HenryCAY1470Sics
6Patil, AnvitaCAY1459Fbcs
7Sperandeo, RobertCAY1409Cis
8Jennings, JonteCAY1261Sir John A Cumber Pimary Schoo
9Mcclenaghan, AbbieCAY1208Footsteps
10Blackwood, RossCAY1170Rbps
11Clark, ArtyCAY1167Rbps
12Wilson, AlejandroCAY1142Jghs
13Lia, DimitrovaCAY1121Cis
14Moore, ChristianCAY1117
15Avi, JosephCAY1112Fbcs
16Anderson, DominicCAY1085Chhs
17Rankin, BrandonCAY1062Cphs
18Vats, ShaanCAY1046
19Smith, Kenardo Jr.CAY1044Rbps
20Krishnakumar, KapilaCAY1033Cis
21Rana, RuhaniCAY1031Cphs
22Brown, JadenCAY1021Rbps
23Dcunha, SivaanaaCAY1009Sics
24Stewert, StevynCAY995Jghs
25Gunasekaran, SanjithCAY944Rbps
26Ramzan, JackCAY864Rbps
27Fell, LouieCAY849Cphs
28Bertolino, GinaCAY800Jghs
29Bromby, AliceCAY800Jghs
30Chin, AydenCAY800Prospect Primary
31Cummings, JordanCAY800Jghs
32Hamilton, KayllahCAY800Jghs
33Krishnakumar, DhruvaCAY800Cis
34La-Roda Thomas, AlexanderCAY800
35Mellaneo, JonCAY800Jghs
36Rasch, JulianCAY800Cis
37Brown, John-MarkCAY726Rbps
38Smith, KenondriCAY667Rbps
39Rana, AnhadCAY0
40Rozario, ChrisCAY0