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Coupe Jeunes Manternach 2024 A/B

Seinast dagført17.03.2024 18:31:25, Creator/Last Upload: Grazyna Bakalarz

Search for player Leita


1Dhivakar, Viduyut25154007220LUX15461275U12DIF
2Osmolovskii, Nikita26244009029LUX12671267U10STR
3Frisch, Jan Raphaël26014007794LUX12241224U12MAN
4Golec, Alexander25974007808LUX12231223U14MAN
5Kasubaite, Beatrice3279LUX12201220wU12ROE
6Schroeder, Mathias21124009100LUX12071207U14JUN
7Bondili, Anish Nihaan Singh27324008006LUX12001200U14DIF
8Gundala, Hanmisha25274007930LUX12001200wU14DIF
9Pleim, Eva3219LUX12001200wU12DIF
10Rasquin, Pierre32814009150LUX12001200U14DUD