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Coupe Jeunes Manternach 2024 C

Last update 17.03.2024 18:32:04, Creator/Last Upload: Grazyna Bakalarz

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Starting rank list

1Pierron Bejan, Elisa2964FRA14531200wU08DIF
2Solovev, Nikolai2480LUX14401200U08BER
3Delanne Dominguez, Léo2945LUX12291229U08BON
4Gama Belga Borges, Pedro3280LUX12001200U10ROE
5Golec, Sebastian2742LUX12001200U10MAN
6Guzdziol, Olaf2599LUX12001200U10MAN
7Ha, Kien Van3303LUX12001200U10ERR
8Karthik, Shreyaas3170LUX12001200U10DIF
9Manikandan, Advaith2315LUX12001200U10DIF
10Sabat, Julia320612001200wU10MAN