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Tabla de horarios
Ronda Fecha Hora
1 2024/03/13 MIÉRCOLES 11:00
2 2024/03/13 MIÉRCOLES 18:00
3 2024/03/14 JUEVES 09:00
4 2024/03/14 JUEVES 16:00
5 2024/03/15 VIERNES 09:00
6 2024/03/15 VIERNES 16:00
7 2024/03/16 SÁBADO 09:00
8 2024/03/16 SÁBADO 16:00
9 2024/03/17 DOMINGO 09:00


Last update 17.03.2024 19:05:29, Creator/Last Upload: andrescajamarca86

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Starting rank list

1Garzon Zapatanga, Christopher Leonel3634787Mor2178U16Morona Santiago
2Carrasco Jacome, Bryan3618986Pic2151SABSPichincha
3FMEsmeraldas Huachi, Anderson3616363Suc2148SABSAlto Rendimiento Sucumbíos
4CMAspiazu Sibri, Marlon3621243Gua2092SABSAlto Rendimiento Americano
5IMLeon Calderon, Jonathan Francisco3603288Cañ2073SABSIpsum Solutio
6Castro Murillo, Gonzalo3600149Pic2046SABSPichincha
7IMPazos Gambarrotti, Plinio Efrain3600068Pic2005SABSPichincha
8CMViscaino Yanez, Jhonny Cesar3634132Pic1952SABSAlto Rendimiento Quitumbe
9Moreno Viteri, Oscar Antonio3625419Pic1890SABSPichincha
10Montano Velasco, Matias Khaleb3634663Esm1858U14Esmeraldas
11Guerrero Cajeca, Matias Israel3635449Pic1857U15Pichincha
12AIMCajamarca Gordillo, Sebastian Alejandro3635252Imb1805U13Imbabura
13Vargas Sotelo, Victor3632024Suc1761U18Alto Rendimiento Sucumbíos
14Cruz Reyes, Nick Steven3636119Suc1707U16Alto Rendimiento Sucumbíos
15Galarza Chalco, Sebastian Alexand3635597Pic1698U20Alto Rendimiento Quitumbe
16Juma Moreno, Jayro Javier3636640Imb1678U17Imbabura
17Erazo Perez, Erick Andres3653234Imb1647U14Imbabura
18Abril Munoz, Ernesto Javier3650553Gua1497U16Guayas
19Revelo Montenegro, Isaac3637328Imb1467U16Imbabura
20Cando Tulcan, Roddick3637018Car1403SABSCarchi
21Flores Pupiales, GerardImb0U12Imbabura
22Mayorga Hermoza, Jaim Gamliel3644740Imb0U09Imbabura
23Morillo Chuma, Diego Jose3646661Imb0U10Imbabura
24Ona Quito, Pablo Patricio3653897Imb0U13Imbabura