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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
2024 Metropolitan National Chess Championship- Ladies Section اخر تحديث17.03.2024 16:56:55, منشئ/آخر رفع: Botswana Chess-Federation
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم |
1 | WCM | Gabatshwarwe, Refilwe | 11312734 | BOT | 1829 |
2 | WFM | Marape, Naledi | 11310880 | BOT | 1786 |
3 | | Keleapere, Malebogo | 11303905 | BOT | 1742 |
4 | | Nalamalpu, Eesha Reddy | 11320982 | BOT | 1706 |
5 | WCM | Mosweu, Atlang Amolemo | 11314907 | BOT | 1704 |
6 | WCM | Moshoboro, Sharell Arona | 11315920 | BOT | 1699 |
7 | | Rebatenne, Boitshepo | 11301503 | BOT | 1697 |
8 | | Radikoro, Boitumelo | 11301597 | BOT | 1641 |
9 | | Maya, Otimile | 11321644 | BOT | 1609 |
10 | | Madingwane, Tsotlhe | 11319542 | BOT | 1584 |
11 | | Olefile, Ogomoditse | 11304057 | BOT | 1578 |
12 | | Mhate, Lame | 11313048 | BOT | 1572 |
13 | WCM | Moshoboro, Laone Phoebe | 11314699 | BOT | 1565 |
14 | | Gorata, Mere | 11319739 | BOT | 1549 |
15 | | Tahla, Gofamodimo | 11314915 | BOT | 1542 |
16 | | Ngwato, Theresa | 11319259 | BOT | 1536 |
17 | | Motlhako, Kaone | 11318201 | BOT | 1530 |
18 | | Gosego, Moseja | 11321652 | BOT | 1472 |
19 | | Kgatitswe, Sameea Kamillah | 11327430 | BOT | 1444 |
20 | | Nalamalpu, Saishanvi Reddy | 11326778 | BOT | 1415 |
21 | | Modisaotsile, Lindiwe | | BOT | 0 |
22 | | Mogwera, Omaatla | | BOT | 0 |
23 | | Moshoboro, Adeola | 11324627 | BOT | 0 |
24 | | Otimile, Melisa | 11324678 | BOT | 0 |
25 | | Thapelo, Lorato Dolly | | BOT | 0 |