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Korea Olympiad Qualifier 2024 - Ladies

Վերջին արդիացում16.03.2024 09:04:11, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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1Ogay, Anastassiya13731998KOR1688
2Kim, Sarang13212834KOR1665
3WCMCho, Yeonhee13201190KOR1660
4Hong, Jueun13212702KOR1639
5WCMYou, Garam13200208KOR1620
6Kim, Sumin13214454KOR1604
7Yim, Jay13204513KOR1585
8Kim, Nayoon B13215183KOR1560
9Browning, Sena13215868KOR1534
10Zee, Hyeonjeong13215663KOR1504
11Choi, Gyungsook13207415KOR1489