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Campeonato Municipal Abierto de Ajedrez Mexicali 2024 Sub 12 (2012 y posteriores)

Last update 18.03.2024 00:05:07, Creator/Last Upload: Jose Ruiz Mares

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Starting rank

1Cornejo Valenzuela, SantiagoMEX0
2Gomez Leon, Mariana AtaiMEX0
3Jaramillo Siqueiros, SantiagoMEX0
4Lara Avina, Julio CesarMEX0
5Lara Avina, Victor DavidMEX0
6Montoya Mejia, LeonardoMEX0
7Ponce Gonzalez, Dylan JoseivyMEX0
8Zepeda Garcia, Denzel IsaiMEX0