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IRT Festival Nacional de Ajedrez U18 Absoluto 2024

Last update 27.03.2024 17:54:36, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezMorona

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Starting rank list

1Garzon Zapatanga, Christopher Leonel3634787ECU2178Morona Santiago
2Chilan Villa, Andres Jesus3633845ECU1924Guayas
3Mancheno Barahona, Matias Gabriel3638820ECU1893Pichincha
4Guerrero Cajeca, Matias Israel3635449ECU1857Pichincha
5Rubio Chanchay, Ostin Jose3632300ECU1717Napo
6Morocho Garzon, Fernando Jose3634779ECU1690Morona Santiago
7Garcia Alban, Jorge Alejandro3642909ECU1642Manabi
8Cevallos Mendoza, Carlos Alejandro3637484ECU1641Chimborazo
9Cifuentes, Jeremy3625842ECU1623Napo
10AFMFlores Medina, Alexander Hiroki3644863ECU1622Guayas
11Pilamunga, Manuel3633985ECU1614Bolivar
12AFMPalacios Benites, Antonio Manuel3642984ECU1606Guayas
13Nagua Valladares, Kevin Joel3636690ECU1597El Oro
14Salazar Peralta, Elian3636410ECU1549Tungurahua
15Logrono Ayala, Daniel3638812ECU1520Chimborazo
16Jacome Jaramillo, Jose Miguel3650839ECU1475Pichincha
17Preciado Ortega, Justin Dereck3643239ECU1401Guayas
18Campana De La Cadena, Jose Andres3653285ECU0Pichincha
19Espinosa Reyes, Luis MiguelECU0Pichincha
20Ortiz Herrera, Steven AntonioECU0Tungurahua
21Ponce Carreno, Kevin Emiliano3654451ECU0Manabi
22Samaniego Puente, Victor TadeoECU0Esmeraldas