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CONDEBA Ind Var SEC Oficiales

Last update 13.03.2024 18:02:35, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrez para Monstruos

Starting rank list of players

4Arriaga, Celedon RogelioMEX0Sec. Luis Donaldo
1Cerecero, Guerrero CristopherMEX0Ramon Valdez
5García, Tapia PabloMEX0Sec. Pensamiento
2López, Aldaba Angel RazielMEX0Sec Manuel Avila
7Melendez, Castillo Hector HugoMEX0Sec. Erich Fromm
8Pérez, Figueroa EmmanuelMEX0Sec Flores Magon
3Rocha, Coronel Johan FernandoMEX0Sec. Jaun Escutia
6Román, Villareal Cristofer AbacuqMEX0Sec. Nelly Campo