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French School Rapid Chess Tournament U10

Վերջին արդիացում16.03.2024 12:29:14, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Chael, NouiduiTAN0Ivy First
3Dries, BaxTAN0
4Elhakimb, IbrahimTAN0Laureate International School
5Enno, ChenTAN0Feza Int
6Harini, DoshiTAN0wAgha Khan
7Hriday, Deepakkumar SolankiTAN0
8Ian, MoonTAN0DIA
9Johnny, BishopTAN0Laureate International School
10June, CottardTAN0French School
11Kayal, NirmalkumarTAN0w
12Maya, SwaminathanTAN0wIST
13Saehoon, ParkTAN0DIA
14Sophia, DawoodbhaiTAN0wFrench School
15Vihaan, K. MehtaTAN0IST
16Zhanyi, Wu(Michael)TAN0DIA
17Zoe, YuanTAN0
18Zoya, KanjiTAN0wFrench School