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Torneio Clube Saj 11/03

Senast uppdaterad12.03.2024 01:28:42, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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1Theo, OliveiraBRA1944
2Davi, FroesBRA1871
3Alex dos Anjos,BRA1868
4Malu, PassosBRA1842
5Guilherme, MotaBRA1829BA
6Kaio, VictorBRA1813
7Jose, Leandro Fonseca SantosBRA1801BA
8Heitor, BrasilBRA1800
9Gustavo, SilvaBRA1800
10Matheus, BispoBRA1800
11Murilo, CarvalhoBRA1800
12Antonio, PereiraBRA1794
13Gustavo, Oliveira SilvaBRA1786BA
14Guilherme, AugustoBRA1781
15Alan, AraujoBRA1739
16Kiara, KellyBRA1738