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French School Rapid Chess Tournament U16 and 18

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.03.2024 12:35:24, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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1Delbert, IpilingaTAN0U18Agha Khan
2Hemattreya, JamdarTAN0U17Agha Khan
3Jash, MandanTAN0U18Agha Khan
5Mahi, ShahTAN0wU16DIA
6Maryam, Ipilinga PanyaTAN0wU16Agha Khan
7Mathilde,TAN0U18French School
8Mugema, DuvalTAN0U16Atlas Schools
9Prisha, chhedaTAN0wU18Agha Khan
10Shivam, kariaTAN0U16Agha Khan
11Tirouda, YounesTAN0U18French School