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Tournoi interne Bois-Gentil 2024 Catégorie D

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.12.2024 10:25:58, Creator/Last Upload: Fédération Genevoise des Echecs

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

7Ouatas, Mabrouk1338960SUI1434Bois-Gentil
1Verdon, Michel1312413SUI1434Bois-Gentil
10Delay, Isabelle1344730SUI1374Bois-Gentil
4Genier, Claude1311905SUI1365Bois-Gentil
11Anthamatten, Mario1331671SUI1345Bois-Gentil
3Niegemeier, Karl-Leo1306618SUI1318Bois-Gentil
5Verdon, Roland1312480SUI1312Bois-Gentil
2Briefer, MichelSUI1309Bois-Gentil
6Haensler, Andreas1306391SUI1300Bois-Gentil
9Kacem, Doris1319434SUI1295Bois-Gentil
8Thompson, Charles-William1306758SUI1106Bois-Gentil