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IRT Festival Nacional de Ajedrez U10 Femenino 2024

Last update 27.03.2024 06:53:33, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezMorona

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Starting rank

1Vera Arboleda, Isabella3649113ECU1522Guayas
2Melena Salvador, Alanis Karolina3651100ECU1503Guayas
3Vera Toro, Kelsy Johana3646467ECU1457Manabi
4Molina Alvarado, Lady Diana3643271ECU1424Manabi
5Mendoza Candela, Marisa Fernanda3644480ECU1422Manabi
6Alfonso Montesinos, Share Christell3646742ECU0Guayas
7Alvear Caiza, Arianna Camila3644960ECU0Pichincha
8Atiencia Merino, Natalia Estefania3653749ECU0Guayas
9Calderon Jumbo, Luna Mickaela3656799ECU0El Oro
10Campoverde Cabrera, Madelein Mons3649962ECU0Morona Santiago
11Cortez Plasencia, Goany SaraiECU0Morona Santiago
12Fiallos Garces, Camila Isabel3654168ECU0Pichincha
13Garay Huilca, Alisson Jordana3645002ECU0Morona Santiago
14Gonzalez Montesdeoca, Dafne CristinaECU0Guayas
15Guzman Castro, ShaddaiECU0Manabi
16Lema Cardenas, AriadneECU0Morona Santiago
17Lopez Constante, Maria de los AngelesECU0Guayas
18Pachacama Gualotuna, Emily Sabina3651169ECU0Pichincha
19Palma Franco, Alma Camila3646831ECU0Manabi
20Santillan Castillo, Alejandra Est3658350ECU0Tungurahua
21Santillan Tenecela, Antonela Alej3643832ECU0Morona Santiago
22Sinchi Dominguez, Sami Yuriana3649849ECU0Morona Santiago
23Ulloa Estrada, Amelia Elizabeth3646459ECU0Napo
24Ventimilla Reategui, Eva ElizabethECU0Zamora Chinchimpe