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Torneo Abierto I Aniversario Club de Ajedrez Pegaso - SUB 10

Last update 11.03.2024 23:41:03, Creator/Last Upload: AO Rodolfo González Mosso

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Starting rank

1Perez, Diaz Ayeisa DayanneMEX15461546Guerrero
2Gonzalez, Neponuceno ThiagoMEX15111511Guerrero
3Carrasco Gomez, LinoMEX00
4Cuevas Garcia, Oliver AlephMEX00
5Dircio Romero, Said SantiagoMEX00
6Felipe Diaz, Isaid AlexanderMEX00
7Flores Aguilar, Adriel JersainMEX00
8Gallardo Flores, RogelioMEX00
9Jacobo Garcia, AlexanderMEX00
10Juarez Prado, Cielo NahomiMEX00
11Martinez Ponce, CarmeloMEX00
12Meza de Jesus, Cesar AngelMEX00
13Pantaleon Nepomuceno, LeonardoMEX00
14Venancio Cano, DarianaMEX00
15Venancio Cano, WilberMEX00
16Villano Cardona, Jose LuisMEX00