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Bremridge Cup

Posledná aktualizácia 18.06.2024 09:51:02, Creator/Last Upload: Devonchess

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Štartová listina

1IMRudd, Jack405736ENG2320Barnstaple
2O'Neill, Paul A1309765WLS2154Exeter
3Paulden, Tim435554ENG2083Exeter
4Homer, Stephen J410322ENG20804ncl West Is Best
5Thorpe, Thomas G1802437WLS2052Exeter
6Bolt, Graham410438ENG2021Exeter
7Brusey, Alan W406880ENG1989Teignmouth
8Lowe, ChrisENG1962Exeter
9Blackmore, Joshua P453510ENG1909Newton Abbot
10Thynne, Trefor F419893ENG1905Newton Abbot
11Brooks, Paul459186ENG1891Newton Abbot
12Cooper, Harvey343403948ENG1813Barnstaple
13Clarke, SteveENG1670Barnstaple
14Manning, EllisENG1663Newton Abbot
15Munsey, A JonENG1635Barnstaple
16Dow, Michael JENG1546Barnstaple
17Henry, IanENG1546Teignmouth
18Kelso, RobertSCO1347Barnstaple