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II Memorial Blitz Alexandre Gonçalves 2024

Last update 09.03.2024 23:08:43, Creator/Last Upload:

Starting rank list of players

1FMAndrey, Marcelo De Souza Neves2101815BRA2104AM
10NMRudson, Marinho PeixotoBRA1997AM
9NMSuan, Bruno Fernandes Lira22794620BRA1996AM
12Frayser, Serquen VicunaBRA1880AM
11Alison, Mendes De BritoBRA1831AM
13Juliano, Joao BazzoBRA1807AM
3Jarlison, Barros De SouzaBRA1800AM
7Tiago, Augusto Adami De Oliveira44755520BRA1800AM
5Raul, Rabello Mesquita22756450BRA1791AM
2Ryan, Freitas Marinho Da Cunha BreveBRA1784AM
8Luiz, Henrique Ferfers Ferreira44755538BRA1767AM
6Brendo, Barros NascimentoBRA0
4Gabriel, Junior Rodrigues dos SantosBRA0AM