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Turnamen Catur Beregu Piala Danrem 064 MAULANA YUSUF BANTEN

Last update 10.03.2024 12:09:14, Creator/Last Upload: mppindo

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
125DLH Proklim-Jakarta77001421,50
248UPS BA CC, Jakarta751111210
324DLH Kalpataru -Jakarta751111200
414BTS Star-Jakarta Barat751111192
533Kuda Baja Chess Club A Cilegon751111190
627GGCC A Tangerang750210200
742Pion Mas Chess Club Cilegon7412918,50
841Pegassus CC74129180
929Gokil brotherhood Tangsel73319180
1012BTS 207 A7412917,50
1110Bidak Mutiara-Semarang7412916,50
129Benteng Mia Chess Club Cilegon7331915,50
1320Chess Genius Bromo-Jakarta7412915,50
147Altajagu Chess Club Tangkot7412915,50
158BC Indonesia74038180
1621Chess Genius Merapi-Jakarta74038170
1732Krakatau Kids Chess Club Cilegon74038170
185ACCI A-Depok7403816,52
1938LCKB A7403816,50
2023Chess Mania7241815,50
2146SCC A Kabser73228150
2240Mandala V DLH73228150
2334Kuda Baja Chess Club B Cilegon74038150
241ACC KOTSER 173228130
2513BTS 207 B73137150
2635Kuda Hitam Kota Serang7313714,50
2736Kuda Putih Menes Pandeglang7313714,50
2826Gajah Cibodas CC73137140
2918CCL Lebak73137130
3028GGCC B Tangerang72236140
3144Pra-PON Putri Banten7223613,52
3222Chess Maja Club Lebak7304613,50
3311BKP CC Tangsel BTS 207 A 72236130
3431Junior Tangkot B73046120
352ACC KOTSER 2730469,50
3619Chess Collaboration -Bogor72145130
373ACC KOTSER 372145130
3816Catur MY72145111
3950ZONA 5 Kabser Putri72145111
4039LCKB B721459,50
4143Pondok Lakkah Chess Club721459,50
4230Junior Tangkot A721459,50
4349ZONA 5 Kabser Putra7133590
4447SCC B Kabser72054130
454ACC KOTSER 472054120
4645Queen Black Steel - Jaksel7205411,50
476ACCI B-Depok711537,50
4815Cakra Chess Club Kabser7106250
4937LCC KOTA SERANG6006010
5017Catur Tirtayasa6006000

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break2: points (normal points + points from the qualifying rounds)
Tie Break3: The results Of the teams In Then same point group according To Matchpoints