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1º CIMEX U10 - Circuito Municipal Escolar de Xadrez 2024

Last update 09.03.2024 18:27:59, Creator/Last Upload: AlessandroCamporez

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Starting rank

1Alice Maia Mares Camporez XCEEL
2Antonio Piol Lopes XCEEL
3Arthur Emanuel Fracari Queiros XColibri
4Bernardo R. Conceição XCEA
5Bianca Baliano Loose XSESC
6Clara Rebuzzi Deambrozi XCEEL
7Daniel C. O. Adame XSESC
8Davi Souza de Moraes XSESC
9Enzo de Souza machado X
10Erick Carlesso Fernandes de Lacerda X
11Fernando Lopes Gregorio XCEEL
12Gabriel Perovani Giacomin XCEEL
13Gabriela Ribeiro de Jesus XCEA
14Hector Grippa Scopel XSESC
15Henrique Volckman Olveira XCEEL
16Inácio Rizzo Vieira XCasa
17Isabella Cristina da Silva Fonseca XColibri
18Isadora Shanti Costa XSESC
19João Pedro A. Pissarra XSESC
20Júlia Schreider França XSESC
21Júlia Soeiro Mendes XSESC
22Laura Alves Celante XCEEL
23Leonardo Alves de Moraes XGuarapari
24Lis Zarpelon Coutinho XCEEL
25Lucas Moraes Palassi Vicente Gomes XCEEL
26Ludmilla Loureiro Gois XSESC
27Luiz Miguel Oliveira Itajahy XSESC
28Maria Eduarda Dias B. Jesus XCEA
29Maria Paula Forechi Moreira XCEEL
30Murilo Fornaciari Cordeiro XSESC
31Nicholas Loureiro Quinonez XCEEL
32Nicole Hemerly Cao XCEA
33Pétala Colii Perini Francisco XCEA
34Henrique Sabará Ribom Echer XCEEL
35Serena Scopel X
36Sofia Vieira Peixoto Dumer XSESC
37Sophia Ferreira Miranda XSESC
38Stella Pereira Alves X
39Valentini de Deus Silva XCEA