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Campionat Sub-12 Pla de Lleida 2013

Last update 10.02.2013 22:21:35, Creator/Last Upload: Imma Montoliu Daroca

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Starting rank list

1Sole Pijuan FerranESP1872Lleida
2BotiguƩ Moles GerardESP1736Balaguer
3Amoros Armente JosepESP1728Lleida
4Mir Carnice JordiESP1709Vilanova
5Canales Ros AlbertESP1702Lleida
6Alberti Valls IgnasiESP1700CCL
7Babot Farre Josep MariaESP1700Balaguer
8Calvo Ferriz DaniESP1700Lleida
9Costa Esteve RicardESP1700Lleida
10Domingo Arinyo BlaiESP1700Balaguer
11Estruch Andreu GuimESP1700Ponts
12Gine Pla ArnauESP1700Lleida
13Gone Palomars JonESP1700Lleida
14Jou Llanes AleixESP1700Ponts
15Monyarch IƱiguez GuillemESP1700Lleida
16Planella Vazquez Jose AlejandrESP1700Balaguer