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Copa IPD 2013 Categoria Especial

Darrera actualització26.01.2013 22:06:19, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Comite Olimpico Peruano

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Rànquing inicial

1GMCori JorgePER2542
2WGMCori T. DeysiPER2434
3FMVera Siguenas DeivyPER2403
4FMPacheco MarcoPER2385
5FMLeiva GiuseppePER2379
6Fernandez FernandoPER2334
7FMPrincipe AlexanderPER2283
8FMCuellar DiegoPER2271
9Requejo OswaldoPER2267
10FMMartinez Alcantara Jose EduarPER2228
11Contreras JosePER2216
12WFMChumpitaz AnnPER2212
13Carbajal AugustoPER2202
14WFMAliaga Fernandez Ingrid YPER2195
15Palacios EfrainPER2186
16Lopez DantePER2185
17Principe GersonPER2164
18Mamani Joan FrancoPER2154
19Pena Morales HugoPER2144
20Arias MarioPER2142
21Cori Quispe KevinPER2080
22Serrano DavidPER2073
23Donayre BertinPER2064
24Suasnabar JesusPER2059
25Gomez MiguelPER2006