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1 Aniversario Taller de Ajedrez AAJEO-INDEPORTE SUB 10

Last update 12.03.2024 07:51:38, Creator/Last Upload: AN Eduardo Sanchez Martinez

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Starting rank

1Garcia, Garcia Erick EdmundoMEX1476
2Perez, Bruno Victor EduardoMEX1289
3Bautista Hernandez, DannaMEX0
4Garcia Quiroz, Jaime MateoMEX0
5Hernandez Martinez, Santiago NoelMEX0
6Hernandez Ruiz, Guillermo NicolasMEX0
7Martinez Guzman, DiegoMEX0
8Ortiz Diaz, AlessandroMEX0
9Robles Lopez, Luis EduardoMEX0
10Rojas Mendez, Lyam AlexanderMEX0