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Last update 07.03.2024 11:14:34, Creator/Last Upload: WACANA_2023

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Starting rank

1CMIwan Dunggio,INA0
2NMGeorge Lamia,INA0
3H. Singkoh,INA0
4NMTino Lang,INA0
5Amrafel Tendean,INA0
6Arthur King's,INA0
7Audy Pangalila,INA0
8Boy Rakian,INA0
9Cullen Paruntu,INA0
10Elvis Pusung,INA0
11Jeffry Saikat,INA0
12Jerry Siwu,INA0
13Ricky Mapanawang,INA0
14Rudy Tumion,INA0
15Stenly Rottie,INA0
16Vecky Tenda,INA0