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Round 6 starts at 0900, remember walk over time is 30min

2024 National Championship - Women Section

Senast uppdaterad22.03.2024 11:06:45, Creator/Last Upload: Monafils

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1Ngatane, Lieketseng21300585LES1673
2Ntsielo, Bonolo21301921LES1654
3Sethabathaba, Boitumelo21302782LES1575
4Leboela, Maboloko21300119LES1572
5Taioe, Reitumetse21300658LES1558
6Thetsane, Nteboheleng21301930LES1531
7Makhalemele, Lieketseng21300372LES1472
8Khoaisanyane, Litsítso21303932LES0
9Makhebesela, Ponts'o21300739LES0
10Mohaheng, Mahlape21304602LES0
11Molise, Lintle21303185LES0
12Motlomelo, Teboho21303827LES0
13Shao, Karabo21303819LES0