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Age Group Championship 2024 - U14 Girls Section

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony10.03.2024 23:32:19, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

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1Murphy, Glory7407599JAM1483Home Schooled
2Salazar, Victoria7406240JAM1458Hillel Academy
3Acharya, PrathamyaJAM0Immaculate Conception Prep
4Annick, RhoneJAM0St. Andrew High
5Barriffee, YolandaJAM0Maggoty High
6Berwick, RebeccaJAM0St. Andrew High
7Chang, Amanda7408056JAM0Immaculate Conception High Sch
8Clarke, Tsahai7405952JAM0St. Jago High
9Gilzene, AkhaylahJAM0St. Andrew High School For Gir
10Haughton-Pathaw, Meghalaya7407041JAM0Campion College
11Lloyd, I-Jeanae7406649JAM0St Jago High
12Martin, NiaraJAM0Campion College
13McFarlane, KimoneJAM0Green Isand High
14Moses, Kayla7407076JAM0Campion College
15Okpiavbe, KathrynJAM0Wolmers Girls High
16Sunkara, Dedipya7407300JAM0Campion College
17Thomas, ShahinaJAM0Maggotty High School
18Wilson, CordeliaJAM0Denbigh High
19Yankana, Danielle7406690JAM0Campion College
20Blake, AmoyaJAM0Green Island High School
21Williamson, KellyJAM0Glenmuir High
22Powell, KirstenJAM0Glenmuir High