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Age Group Championship 2024 - U16 Girls Section

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony12.03.2024 01:55:53, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

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1Gayle, Kaia7405448JAM1509St. Andrew High School For Gir
2WCMO'connor, Zaina7403909JAM1487Meadowbrook High School
3Banton, NatashaJAM0Maggotty High
4Bramwell, AbigailJAM0Jonathan Grant High
5Chang, Jessica7408064JAM0Immaculate Conception High Sch
6Foote, FranceneJAM0Green Island High
7Gooden, ShanhiJAM0Green Island High School
8Murdock, AntasiaJAM0Denbigh High School
9Stewart, Alyssa7407289JAM0Glenmuir High School
10Thomas, Robyn7410298JAM0Covenant Of Mercy