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Age Group Championship 2024 - U18 Absolute Section

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony11.03.2024 00:01:09, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 3)

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1FMShaw, Jaden7402880JAM20912091Wolmer's Boys' School
2Mckennis, Darren7402872JAM19501950Campion College
3Stephenson, John7404409JAM18301830Wolmer's Boys' School
4Jain, Aayush7404697JAM18101810Ardenne High School
5Watson, Gabriella7402538JAM16921692Immaculate Conception High Sch
6Smart, Bryan7404000JAM16651665Ardenne High School
7Stephenson, Amy7403550JAM16501650Wolmer's High School For Girl'
8Sutherland, Kofi7404840JAM15731573St Jago High
9Mckoy, Arielle7403496JAM15571557Campion College
10Rampair, Aidan7402562JAM15511551Campion College
11Matandara-Clarke, Suraiya7407270JAM15401540Hillel Academy
12Bloomfield, Alexander7408250JAM15331533Wolmer's Boys' School
13Dyer, Armani7403054JAM15051505Ardenne High School
14Shakes, Daniel7404395JAM14721472Kingston College
15Gayle, Kaity7405081JAM14581458St. Andrew High School For Gir
16Robinson, John7407432JAM14501450Wolmer's Boys' School
17Barrett, TanielJAM00Camperdown High
18Bennett, RicardoJAM00Maggotty High
19Briscoe, DennisJAM00Lennon High
20Brown, Johnathan7409249JAM00Kingston College
21Brown, Romaine7410409JAM00
22Burrell, DanteJAM00Lennon High
23Burrell, OthnielJAM00Jonathan Grant High School
24Channer, JasonJAM00Denbigh High School
25Donaldson, Khalil7407564JAM00Wolmer's Boys' School
26Fuller, AdrianJAM00Denbigh High School
27Harding, Ian7407386JAM00
28Hutton, JahvonieJAM00Lennon High
29Johnson, Brandon7408803JAM00Campion College
30Johnson, RaydonJAM00Mcgrath High School
31Mcintosh, Tahir7407505JAM00Green Island High School
32Pusey, Rayon-JaiJAM00
33Reid, AkeemJAM00Green Island High School
34Robinson, Rushawn7410522JAM00DeCarteret College
35Saint, Nathan7410530JAM00Wolmer's Boys' High School
36Sandcroft, KejaniJAM00Maggotty High
37Smith, Nathan L7410166JAM00Glenmuir High School
38Spence, JelauniJAM00Maggotty High
39Taylor, AbigailJAM00Immaculate Conception High Sch
40Taylor, Alexander7409125JAM00Wolmer's Boys' School
41Thompson, NigelJAM00Green Island High
42Williams, AntoneoJAM00Jonathan Grant High School
43Williams, DonavoyJAM00Lennon High