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Badger Farm Community Centre, 2 Badger Farm Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 4QB

LJCC Qualifier
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Hampshire Junior Open 2024 U14

Last update 22.10.2024 11:36:39, Creator/Last Upload: JohnUpham

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Starting rank

1Sengupta, Aditya Vikram347035343446116ENG158501585U142556
2Bonner, Benjamin368902ENG107701077U14CHAM
3Mehta, Aarav316598ENG106301063U147130
4Li, Leo342462343406513ENG102201022U144WNJ
5Horner, Dylan353728343427090ENG9720972U144EMS
6De, Abhradeep349359ENG9390939U144FAR
7Nash, Natalia366871ENG8170817wU14820
8Pearce, Dylan50978ENG000U147072
9Vrublevskiy, Ivan055731554ENG000U147072
10Wang, David51047ENG000U14CHAM