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Badger Farm Community Centre, 2 Badger Farm Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 4QB

LJCC Qualifier

Hampshire Junior Open 2024 U8

Last update 02.01.2025 11:08:07, Creator/Last Upload: JohnUpham

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Starting rank

1Li, Ian356653343442218ENG1155U84HANPiigrims' School
2Cupela, Samuel351510343456472ENG1024U84HANRake Primary School
3Collier, Henry359921ENG746U84HANCrowthorne
4Li, Aaron361263343444288ENG726U84HANPilgrims' School
5Dasam, Sahas350508343418465ENG725U82567Chess With Dino
6Narayanan, Swetha362538ENG687wU84PLYPlymouth
7Cojocaru, Cosmin371253ENG631U88300Sussex Juniors
8Cojocaru, Emma371254ENG424wU88300Sussex Juniors
9Arutiunian, Ruben360493ENG300U82576Crowthorne
10Head, Michael372085ENG0U8CHAMSt. Mary's Junior School
11Iyengar, Akshay365701ENG0U84BOZBournemouth *
12Iyengar, Anish365786ENG0U84BOUBournemouth
13Randall, Lucas371875ENG0U8CHAMHatch Warren School
14Setlur, Akira372320ENG0wU8CHAMAbbey School
15Tse, Pak Yin371355ENG0U87072Guildford