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Torneio 100 anos Gabriel Borges

Seinast dagført17.03.2024 10:57:48, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERAÇÃO CABO-VERDIANA DE XADREZ

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

7Santos, Steven23602058CPV1796G.D. Amarante
6Neves, Diogo23600896CPV1736G.D. Amarante
4Fortes, Aires23600993CPV1692C.S. Mindelense
1Mões, Carlos1928104CPV1683C.S. Mindelense
5Silva, Victor23600411CPV1670G.D. Amarante
8Fonseca, Arlindo23600187CPV1644G.D. Amarante
2Costa, Hermes23600136CPV1596G.D. Amarante
3Fonseca, Adilson23602163CPV1561G.D. Amarante