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Torneio 100 anos Gabriel Borges

Last update 17.03.2024 10:57:48, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERAÇÃO CABO-VERDIANA DE XADREZ

Starting rank list of players

7Santos, Steven23602058CPV1796G.D. Amarante
6Neves, Diogo23600896CPV1736G.D. Amarante
4Fortes, Aires23600993CPV1692C.S. Mindelense
1Mões, Carlos1928104CPV1683C.S. Mindelense
5Silva, Victor23600411CPV1670G.D. Amarante
8Fonseca, Arlindo23600187CPV1644G.D. Amarante
2Costa, Hermes23600136CPV1596G.D. Amarante
3Fonseca, Adilson23602163CPV1561G.D. Amarante