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11th Elichess Monthly Rapids - Open Section

Posledná aktualizácia 03.03.2024 12:03:29, Creator/Last Upload: Ghana Chess-Federation

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Štartová listina

1Maraite, Gregory260479BEL2058
2FMHasford, John Kojo12600083GHA1947
3Fomevor, Cephas Clinton12601330GHA1897
4Akpa, Prince12602531GHA1861
5Frempong-Smart, Daniel12601659GHA1851
6CMThompson, Edward Nii Lamptey12600113GHA1843
7Karyah, Thomas22600108LBR1807
8CMSosu, Edward12600385GHA1839
9Ameku, David Selasi12601179GHA1827
10Senyegah, Paul12600229GHA1764
11Tandoh, Charles Raymond Appiah12600733GHA1692
12Amankona-Diawuo, Felix Kwabena12602914GHA1671
13Maxwell, Kwasi Kporxah12602604GHA1657
14Sarkodee-Addo, Harry12603198GHA1561
15Jeshurun, Obiri Yeboah Pryce-Tandoh12602639GHA1542
16Banini, GertrudeGHA0
18Edem, DesmondGHA0
22Sefa-Boakye, LionelGHA0