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Junior Championships U12 2024

Senast uppdaterad16.03.2024 18:18:23, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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1Wang, Yunlong5604281MLT1492U12
2Aquilina, Matthew5605580MLT0U10
3Borg Mercieca, Elena5603870MLT0U10
4Borg Mercieca, George5605490MLT0U08
5Buttigieg, Julia5604435MLT0U12
6Buttigieg, Nathan5604508MLT0U10
7Cilia Seychell, Keira Emma5605130MLT0U12
8Deguara, Julia5605610MLT0U10
9Falzon, Alexander5603838MLT0U10
10Refalo, John Martin5605164MLT0U12
11Shephard, Kate5605628MLT0U10
12Spiteri, Samuel5604850MLT0U12
13Wang, Ziyi5603153MLT0U12