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2024 Monafils Open Chess Championship -Development Section

Son güncelleme02.03.2024 16:25:27, Oluşturan/Son Yükleme: Chess Federation of Lesotho

Sporcu Ara Arama

Başlangıç Sıralaması

1Esay, Mesfen-kefleLES0
2Fenyane, KarabeloLES0
3George, AyidaLES0
4Hlompho, MokhomoLES0
5Kabelo, MakepeLES0
6Katleho, MakepeLES0
7Katleho, MoeketsiLES0
8Katleho, MokheleLES0
9Katleho, SelloLES0
10Katleho, TlebereLES0
11Khakhane, KananeloLES0
12Khotle, NalediLES0
13Kian, MahoholiLES0
14Kokami, AgathaLES0
15Kokami, JamesLES0
16Lefeta, BokangLES0
17Lehakoe, MasehlelaLES0
18Lekopa, BerlinahLES0
19Leluma, ThabelangLES0
20Lemphane, RealebohaLES0
21Lesela, BatloungLES0
22Lesela, Grace 'MasekhoaneLES0
23Lesoli, KhanyaLES0
24Letebele, LeseliLES0
25Lethaha, RetsepileLES0
26Lethaha, TsepisoLES0
27Letsie, FakoLES0
28Letsie, LetsieLES0
29Letsie, ThakaneLES0
30Lets'ohla, MolemoLES0
31Letuka, ThaboLES0
32Letuka, TsepoLES0
33Maqekoane, MohauLES0
34Mateisi, SeeisoLES0
35Matete, MphosiLES0
36Matsoso, TebelloLES0
37Mojaki, KhotsoLES0
38Mokhesi, BoitumeloLES0
39Moleleki, MaseabataLES0
40Moorosi, ThatoLES0
41Mosasane, TlotlaLES0
42Moshesha, ThapeloLES0
43Motelle, AamohelangLES0
44Mothibe, BohlokoaLES0
45Nkalimeng, ThabelangLES0
46Ntlama, LitebohoLES0
47Phakisi, NaleliLES0
48Phera, HlengiweLES0
49Phoka, PhateLES0
50Rasephei, Junior EthanLES0
51Sebabatso, LesofeLES0
52Sello, LitebohoLES0
53Sompane, RethabileLES0
54Thamae, LitebohoLES0
55Thamae, MpoetsiLES0
56Ts'osane, TiisetsoLES0