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Fase prèvia Campionat Catalunya d'Edats 2013 (Vallès Oriental-Osona-Maresme)

Last update 02.03.2013 19:49:43, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Rp
1Panades Catarineu Oriol2018 13b1 9w1 11b1 3w1 2b½4,51517,514,52164
2Las Heras Aixandri Guillem1842 10b1 23w1 6b1 7w1 1w½4,51313,514,52145
3Baltasar Diaz Vicente1802 16b1 15w1 8b1 1b0 6w141213132030
4Páez Lancho David1817 6w0 19b1 16w1 17b1 10w149,511,5101962
5Gonzalez Saguillo Oriol1842 7w½ 6b0 19w1 21b1 14w13,51011,58,51886
6Torras Coloma Pau1719 4b1 5w1 2w0 9b+ 3b031618,5111826
7Perez Paredes Dilan1733 5b½ 21w1 14w1 2b0 8b½313,515101875
8Rius Riu Gerard1802 12w1 14b½ 3w0 20b1 7w½312,5159,51832
9Salinas Garcia Pau1800 22w1 1b0 12w1 6w- 18b13121391974
Rodriguez Baraldes Ferran1724 2w0 22b1 15b1 11w1 4b03121391844
11Caro Garre Joan1801 24b+ 17b1 1w0 10b0 16w1311,513,5101802
12Miralpeix Vall Guillem1706 8b0 20w1 9b0 15w1 21w1310,511,571838
13Castillo Vallès Jordi1744 1w0 24b1 18w1 14b0 17w13101181863
14Becerra Mumbrú Pol1781 25b1 8w½ 7b0 13w1 5b02,512,51491764
15Serrat Villegas Eloi1700 -1 3b0 10w0 12b0 25w+212136944
16Perez Parera Santi1712 3w0 25b1 4b0 23w1 11b021212,561692
17Barrios Rosàs Martí1754 18b1 11w0 23b1 4w0 13b0210,51181680
18Rodríguez Serna Alfons1700 17w0 -1 13b0 25w+ 9w021011,56966
19Salinas Perez Gonzalo1700 21b½ 4w0 5b0 22w½ 24b1210114,51690
20Perez Gonzalez Antoni1776 23w- 12b0 22w1 8w0 23b121010,541727
21Vallbona Ylla-Català Jordi1750 19w½ 7b0 24w1 5w0 12b01,511,512,55,51587
22Martinez Solis Alejandro Valentin1700 9b0 10w0 20b0 19b½ -11,51111,521428
23Riveros Pedro1700 20b+ 2b0 17w0 16b0 20w0111135971
24Girbau Felix Xavier1700 11w- 13w0 21b0 -1 19w019,5102931
25Morales Garcia Alex1700 14w0 16w0 -1 18b- 15b-191030

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break