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Last update 01.03.2024 16:07:55, Creator: Education license (until 31.12.2023),Last Upload: Kevin Sandoval Torres

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1Amador, DamianMEX0
2Carpio Chavez, Brenand MarxMEX0
3Chavez Guzman, Jose AntonioMEX0
4Escobedo Felix, Ian EmilianoMEX0
5Garcia Chagolla, SantiagoMEX0
6Lejia Sosa, Ana SofiaMEX0
7Lopez Leal, Fernando AlfredoMEX0
8Lopez Lopez, Diego FabianMEX0
9Mireles Meraz, Maya IsabelleMEX0
10Montoya Mejia, LeonardoMEX0
11Ramirez Ochoa, Madisson GabrielaMEX0
12Vasquez Esquivel, Axel LeonelMEX0
13Yepis, Ulises AntonioMEX0
14Limon Valenzuela, AgustinMEX0