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SCC 1st Fide Rated Friday Playday Rapid

Darrera actualització02.03.2024 03:39:26, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)

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Rànquing inicial

1FMHarper, Ryan7700156TTO2149
2Maharaj, Steve7701071TTO1928
3James, Keevin7701373TTO1917
4Ramdath, Simon7702515TTO1858
5Sama, Savon7702744TTO1746
6Busch, Hans-Hinrich16242327GER1711
7Samuel Bisnath, Kael7706880TTO1677
8Attong, Ian7701365TTO1615
9AFMRajkumar, Daniel143105003TTO1566
10Ali, Reaz7712480TTO1564
11Siewdass, Tristan7709340TTO1558
12Dolly, Samantha7709986TTO1539w
13ACMHumphrey, Ty7709439TTO1504
14Martin, Neyah7707991TTO1474w
15Singh, Kavira7705760TTO1474w
16Dolly, Nicholas7710402TTO1462
17Martin, Kayla7706650TTO1449w
18Donej, Joseph23000090LCA0
19Seebachan, DanielTTO0
20Sookraj, Sameer7713363TTO0