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Juegos Nacionales CONADE 2024-Etapa Regional Chiapas Categoria 17, 18, 19, 20 años Varonil

Last update 02.03.2024 20:12:07, Creator/Last Upload: A. O. JOSE ALFREDO CASTILLO GARCIA

Starting rank list of players

1Juan, Jimenez Martin Ladislao5179769MEX1788Huehuetan
2Villagran, Reyes Manuel De JesusMEX1382Huehuetan
3Perez, Cortez Juan AlbertoMEX1348Tuxtla Chico
4Avendano Bolanos, JesusMEX0Tapachula
5Garcia Vasquez, Sebastian EmmanuelMEX0Tapachula
6Paz Hernandez, KalebMEX0Cacahoatan