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Livingston Major

Last update 06.03.2024 20:56:04, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank

1Kane, Robert420468ENG1812ED
2Mccormack, Derek2406306SCO1700Paisley
3Lohmann, Rene34616373GER1671
4AFMWadhwa, Prateek46667040IND1655Glasgow University
5Clarke, Peter2405687SCO1648Phones
6Bhatia, Kanishka2410095SCO1605Lenzie
7Warcup, Richard2408589SCO1525Stirling
8Kumar, Ishan2408554SCO1516Bearsden
9Patton, Zachary2411628SCO1488Paisley
10Clarke, Tony2406632SCO1448Glasgow Polytechnic
11McClymont, Duncan2414503SCO1444
12Sharma, Devesh2410818SCO1443Edinburgh West
13Cumming, Paul2412209SCO1412Queens Park
14Angus, Dayle2415003SCO0