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Shropshire Junior Congress 2024: U10's

Darrera actualització23.03.2024 17:44:40, Creador/Darrera càrrega: ChristopherLewis

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Rànquing inicial

1Ragam, Aaryan1061Northamptonshire Schools Chess Asso
2Parlattaya, Adhruth1045Coventry Chess Academy
3Sohi, Sehej954Mayfield Prepatory School
4Thiruvarudchelvan, Saswin908St Georges Primary School (Wallasey
5Evans, Tommy0Grange Park
6Goudman, Theo0Stafford Prepatory School
7Heys, Tommy0Telford Chess Club
8Keeling, Liam0Stafford Prepatory School
9Kelly, Benjamin0Meadows Primary School
10Kuczynski, Arthur0Newport Chess Club
11Nanjaiah, Vedith0Edenhurst
12Peach, Fred0Selattyn School
13Robinson, Adam0Broseley C of E School
14Skelly, Joseph0Cleveleys Junior Chess Club
15Smith, John Liu0Liverpool Chess Club
16Szymala, Leon0St Peters Primary School
17Wood, Theo0St Mary's School (Shawbury)