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Championnat de Monaco 2024 Վերջին արդիացում03.03.2024 18:38:47, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | GM | Bagheri, Amir | 12500283 | MNC | 2378 |
2 | GM | Efimov, Igor | 806404 | MNC | 2329 |
3 | WGM | Dornbusch, Tatiana | 14107449 | MNC | 2218 |
4 | | Meylan, Andre | 1301225 | MNC | 2133 |
5 | IM | Levacic, Damir | 600180 | MNC | 2110 |
6 | | Ribbegren, Karl Johan | 5400040 | MNC | 2104 |
7 | WIM | Zvereva, Marija | 4121082 | MNC | 2045 |
8 | FM | Verdier, Patrice | 606340 | MNC | 2028 |
9 | FM | Van Hoolandt, Patrick | 200999 | MNC | 2008 |
10 | | Roussiere, Christophe | 628395 | FRA | 1952 |
11 | | Mohorea, Vasile | 1212184 | ROU | 1947 |
12 | WIM | Dubois, Martine | 601926 | MNC | 1804 |
13 | WCM | Jose De Ribbegren, Kenia | 6401074 | MNC | 1777 |
14 | WCM | Berezovska, Svetlana | 5400740 | MNC | 1739 |
15 | WCM | Berezovsky, Fiorina | 5400651 | MNC | 1714 |
16 | | Maiffret, Patrick | 611808 | FRA | 1695 |
17 | | Rapaire, Jean-Michel | 5400023 | MNC | 1684 |
18 | WIM | Lebel-Arias, Julia | 602019 | MNC | 1556 |
19 | | Stoyanov, Victor | 5401240 | MNC | 1432 |
20 | | Nasibullin, Emil | 5401216 | MNC | 1431 |
21 | | Savich, Svetlana | 5402808 | MNC | 0 |
22 | | Charrier, Jean Claude | 20692722 | FRA | 1379 |
23 | | Charrier, Francois | 652032531 | FRA | 1378 |
24 | | Kriuchkov, Nikita | 5401321 | MNC | 1252 |
25 | | Lherbon De Lussats, Jean | 20652194 | MNC | 1224 |
26 | | Fabbri, Leonardo | 5402441 | MNC | 0 |
27 | | Pecoraro, Jan | 652032833 | FRA | 1161 |
28 | | Lea, Melissa | 652058930 | MNC | 1098 |