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VCB Nationale Kampioenschappen 2024 - Finale ronde

Posledná aktualizácia 25.04.2024 11:58:42, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu

9CMHanoeman, Suradj8200173SUR1995
2FMGiasi, Viresh8200165SUR1990
5Yeung, Jason8203970SUR1978
12Kalidjo, Imaan8202478SUR1915
3FMMatoewi, Roger8200084SUR1890
10Amatdarso, Gerrit8201250SUR1858
1Kalka, Shiva8201749SUR1830
6Lo Kim Lin, Frank8200106SUR1818
11Chashawa, Shaief8201510SUR1786
13Ramsing, Rajiv8202826SUR1741
8Wijnhard, Ky-mani14326868SUR1726
4WCMKaslan, Victoria8202230SUR1684
14Tjin Kon Kiem, Ethan8206040SUR1649
7Klimsop, Garcello8204837SUR1621