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2024 Vodafone Fiji February Rapid Chess Tournament

Last update 02.03.2024 06:01:41, Creator/Last Upload: Fiji Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1CMKumar, Manoj11400064FIJ1823
2CMTerubea, Ronald11400331FIJ1779
3Prasad, Rudr11401095FIJ1774
4Maharaj, Yash Krishen11402504FIJ1529
5Prakash, Prashil11400692FIJ1475
6Prasad, Navisheel11402326FIJ1409
7Ong, Calvin11401370FIJ1405
8Ecube, Donald11404230FIJ1404
9Keshwan, Zayne Elmond11403233FIJ1366
10Newton, Brent11403918FIJ1352
11Prasad, Yash Yuvaan11402148FIJ1286
12Yajas, Sharma33484147IND1257
13Lal, Arnav11402164FIJ1251
14Vaurasi, Lionel11403365FIJ1244
15Amarasinghe, Sandeu11403632FIJ1207
16Singh, Ashwin11402180FIJ1135
17Herath, S M D N29941580SRI1086
18Ahalawat, Aarush11403624FIJ0
19Amoe, Grace11404485FIJ0
20Amoe, Manu11404477FIJ0
21Bandara, Rivinu11404353FIJ0
22Gupta, Shaurya11403985FIJ0
23Herath, Abhiru11403284FIJ0
24Herath, Kinura11402156FIJ0
25Hettiwatta, Nidhish11404191FIJ0
27Koroi, Lewis11400625FIJ0
28Lal, Soham11404515FIJ0
29Mario, Moses11403977FIJ0
30Naidu, Suyash11404345FIJ0
31Nayago, Ebenezer11404523FIJ0
32Niazi, Liaquat11401745FIJ0
33Simpson, Jared11404531FIJ0
34Singh, Gurveer11403942FIJ0
35Singh, Praveer11403586FIJ0
36Singh, Randev11403950FIJ0
37Stanley, Chad11404540FIJ0
38Vocea, Tevita11404558FIJ0
39Weerasekara, Rajatha11404221FIJ0
40Whippy, Arthur11404566FIJ0
41Yuen, Michael Wei Man11402490FIJ0