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Juegos Nacionales CONADE 2024-Etapa Municipal TAPACHULA Categoria 13, 14, 15, 16 años Femenil

Last update 25.02.2024 01:11:09, Creator/Last Upload: A. O. JOSE ALFREDO CASTILLO GARCIA

Starting rank list of players

1Guillen, Moreno Maria JoseMEX1404Chiapas
2Pulido, Galvez Andrea MayraniMEX1283Chiapas
3Torres, Ruiz Sarai FernandaMEX1253Chiapas
6Jimenez Ramos, Havila GeraniaMEX0
5Lopez Ramirez, Ximena GuadalupeMEX0
7Merida Ventura, HaniaMEX0
4Rojas Velazquez, Dzeraj RubiMEX0